Saroja Gullapalli is a Devi Circle teacher of the process, “Devi Soul: Wisdom and Empowerment with Goddess Saraswati” at the Path of Joy. She is the author of the book “The Red Rose.” This book is her autobiography, through which she has conveyed how:
a woman can play multiple roles of being a caring daughter, a loving wife, a devoted mother, a successful corporate professional, a contented spiritual practitioner and a peaceful soul.
She is the founder of “Beyond Your Mind Foundation,” “Crystal Children Corner Academy," “Saroja’s Self-empowerment platform” and “Saroja's Holistic Living & Awareness Counselling program.”
Over the past 16 years, she has conducted over five hundred spiritual workshops and sessions in Australia and abroad on various topics related to happiness, law of attraction, transforming negative emotions, spiritual parenting, finding life purpose, and many other self-empowerment themes. She conducts “Inner Child Wisdom Practical workshops” for hundreds of participants every year. People who know her address her lovingly as “Amma” or “Divine mother.”
Through her current project “Crystal Children Corner Academy,” she is currently reaching out to thousands of children from all around the globe. As part of this academy along with her team of fifty teachers, she is imparting Holistic Wisdom in English and Telugu languages, to children from ages five to seventeen from over twenty countries. In 2022, through her Navodaya project, she has been reaching out to orphanages and juvenile homes to impart holistic wisdom.
In 2020, she inspired millions of people to reach within through her wisdom sharing series telecasted on PMC channels in Telugu, Hindi and English languages for the book “The Untold Story of Sita” by Dena Merriam. In 2021, she launched her wisdom sharing sessions in Telugu for the book “A Thousand Seeds of Joy: Teachings of Lakshmi and Saraswati” by Ananda Karunesh which is also being podcasted in 2022. This wisdom sharing is now being telecasted biweekly in Hindi language on PMC channel as Brahmanandam show.
She received Victorian Multicultural Award for Excellence from the Australian Government in recognition of her “Meritorious Service to the Community.” She also received the title of Brahmavidwanmani at the spiritual conference MDMC in Kadthal (India) in 2019. She was the chairperson at the International Conference on “Integrating Spirituality & Holistic living in Organizational Leadership” in 2015 in Chicago. She has been offered the position of Professor in Spiritual Science by Vedic Wellness University.
By profession Saroja Gullapalli is an Engineer and a former senior corporate executive from an MNC in Melbourne, Australia.